<aside> 👉 For more information on the proposed structures and protocol, please see the Partner Protocol - Working Document and the Overview Presentation.


The following is a general outline of the organizational structure and core components of Partner. The design of the structure is to isolate activities based on focus and timescales, allowing each component to deliver at the appropriate pace in collaboration with its most important stakeholdrs.


The Protocol consist primarily at this point of the currency Par. In the future a monetary policy will link the currency to quality of life, increasing in value when collective quality of life increases, and incentivizing and supporting people who can benefit most from quality of life increases.


Par are the currency of the Protocol. Its total supply will be tied to the total population of humanity.


The Platform is the software that provides services that people can use on top of the protocol. Currently that includes Peer Support and taking Quality of Life surveys.

Protocol Working Group

The Protocol Working Group is to be the predecessor to the creation of a Foundation. It's role is to provide guiding feedback on the development of the protocol and monetary policy, and subsequently establish the Foundation.


The Foundation will have responsibility for guiding the development of the protocol and monetary policy towards increasing inclusion and decentralization. It will have a 10% allocation of the total supply of Par.

Development Lab

The Lab is the entity that develops the Platform and applications of the Protocol. The lab is currently incorporated in Canada as a private corporation called Pine Labs Inc. It has a 10% allocation of the total supply of Par.

<aside> 👉 For more information on the proposed structures and protocol, please see the Partner Protocol - Working Document and the Overview Presentation.
